Friday, December 18, 2009

Event Planning

The conception is not new but now spreading all over the world, Event or Festival, any kind of social party……these are parts of social life and amusement. They have their own style and culture but the main motto is the same – Entertainment.
So we can say it is a process of planning any ceremony, competition, convention or any kind of party.

Now just think about simple thing, why worthy necessary? The main objective is to have fun and enjoy few days, far from daily lives, so it will be crucial to take care of so much things while planning for any event. Like

1. Setting up dates and alternate dates if any flip-flop occurs.
2. Making a complete budget.
3. Choosing and reserving the event place.
4. Getting proper permit if needed.
5. Aligning parking and transportation.
6. Take care of the desire decoration.
7. Arranging security and support.
8. Providing good catering system.
9. Police and fire support.
10. Emergency and health care plans for unforeseen consequences.
11. Last but not the least, Cleanup.

Event management or planning is a comparatively a new career field and there are very sophisticated trainings, available. Event management companies are distributing the act in several sections with several names for better departmental management but the motto is same, all over the world.

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